Search results for diabetics

A new continuous glucose monitor (CGM) that is not only non-invasive but that predicts blood sugar levels from ECG data promises to shake up diabetes management. The device is being showcased at the 2024 Taiwan Innotech Expo.Continue ReadingCategory: Body & MindTags: Diabetes, blood-glucose, Continuous Glucose Monitor, ECG
An insulin that switches itself on and off in response to blood glucose levels has proven successful in lowering the risk of dangerously low glucose levels, or hypos, in animals. According to researchers, the drug holds great promise for the tens of millions of insulin-requiring diabetics worldwide.Continue ReadingCategory: Body & MindTags: Diabetes, Insulin, hypoglycemia, blood-glucose
Implanting a pouch of stem-cell-derived pancreas cells under the skin of type 1 diabetics has enabled them to live without insulin injections for years and maintain non-diabetic blood sugar levels, according to the results of a clinical trial. It’s a big step towards a functional cure for the disease.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbeing, LifestyleTags: Diabetes, Diabetic, Transplant,
Being overweight and obese are significant risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes. While losing weight can optimize blood sugar levels and reduce the dosage of prescribed antidiabetic drugs, weight loss can be challenging to achieve and maintain. In a new study, Chinese researchers examined the effect that intermittent fasting utilizing a 5:2 diet had on blood sugar control in overweight typ
Researchers have identified a novel inhibitor drug that, when given to mice, prevented both eye and kidney complications commonly seen in diabetics. With the potential for one medication to treat two complications, further research is being done to advance the drug to clinical trials.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Diabetes, Eye, kidney, University of Bristol
Researchers have taken a big step forward in the quest to regenerate the pancreatic beta-cells damaged by type 1 diabetes. Using FDA-approved drugs usually given to patients with rare cancers, they reprogrammed pancreatic cells to produce and secrete insulin in response to glucose. The discovery could mean that, one day, diabetics won't need to take multiple daily insulin injections.Continue Read
Researchers have identified an efficient and cost-effective two-step screening strategy that, compared to the current one-step approach, more accurately identifies which type 2 diabetics need treatment to prevent life-threatening heart failure, even those considered low-risk following only a clinical assessment.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Diabetes, Heart Failure, Test, UT Sout
Daily finger-prick blood tests are an uncomfortable fact of life for diabetics, but they may not always have to be. Scientists from Canada and the US have now developed a prototype home-use device that measures blood glucose levels via saliva samples.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Sherbrooke University, DNA, Diabetes, Glucose, Testing
A new study has found that for type 2 diabetics, eating only between certain hours of the day, on an intermittent fasting or a time-restricted diet, is more effective for weight loss than calorie-controlled eating and has the same positive effect on blood sugar control.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbeing, LifestyleTags: Diet, Diabetes, Diabetic, University of Illinois
Kombucha, a sour drink made by fermenting sweetened tea, has shown some promise as a health-promoting beverage. Now, its powers may extend to helping those suffering from type 2 diabetes keep their blood glucose levels in check, according to a new small study.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbeing, LifestyleTags: Diabetes, Bloodstream, Glucose, Fermentation, Diet, Georgetown University is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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