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In what seems like a remarkably obvious move, ESA is working with the Portuguese Space Agency and the Portuguese Navy to use life aboard a naval submarine to learn more about the effects of isolation during long-term space missions.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTags: ESA, Submarine
Using data from twin studies conducted over many years, researchers have found a link between levels of depression and the amount of fruit and vegetables people eat each day.Continue ReadingCategory: Mental Health, Brain Health, Body & MindTags: Depression, Diet, Fruit, Vegetables, Center for Healthy Brain Aging (CHeBA)
Manuka honey reduced breast cancer cell growth by 84% without harming healthy cells or causing major side effects, according to preliminary studies. The findings open the door to developing a natural, non-toxic supplementary, or potentially stand-alone, anticancer treatment.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbeing, LifestyleTags: Breast cancer, honeybees, nature, UCLA
Sleep studies, or polysomnography (PSG), are an important diagnostic tool used to identify sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, chronic insomnia, and narcolepsy. But anyone who’s undergone a sleep study knows how ‘unnatural’ they are. I’ve had one, and, for me, being covered in dozens of electrodes and wires before jumping into an uncomfortable bed in an unfamiliar environment wasn’t conducive to
MASS STUDIES’ SERPENTINE PAVILION OPENS TO THE PUBLIC   The 2024 Serpentine Pavilion, designed by the Seoul-based architectural firm Mass Studies, led by Minsuk Cho, is now complete and set to open on June 7th. This 23rd edition, named Archipelagic Void, features five distinct ‘islands’ varying in size, height, and form. Together they form a […] The post first look: d
set to be unveiled in june 2024, the upcoming serpentine galleries pavilion by mass studies reveals itself as a composition of five islands encircling an open space. The post mass studies designs ‘archipelagic void’ for the 2024 serpentine pavilion in london appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.
In two separate studies, German researchers have identified the single-gene mutation that can lead to the incurable autoimmune disease lupus. The discovery opens the door to developing new therapeutic approaches and testing for the mutation, which would ensure early diagnosis of the disease.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Autoimmune, Genetics, Max Planck Institute, Ludwig-Maximili
Scientists have hit a major milestone in a 15-year project trying to build a completely synthetic yeast genome. Reporting in a bumper crop of new papers, the team has engineered viable yeast cells with more than 50% synthetic DNA for the first time, and have created synthetic versions of almost all its chromosomes, plus a completely new one.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Yeast, G
Scientists from Caltech and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) have found evidence that Earth’s core is leaking. High levels of a particular isotope of helium were found in lava flows in Canada, which the team proposes originated in the planet’s core.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Earth, Earth core, Helium, Caltech, Geology
Typically thought of as a bendy black confection, the root form of licorice has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a range of conditions. Now, a new study shows that a compound from the root is highly effective at fighting pancreatic tumor growth.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Health, Cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Cells, Hong Kong Baptist University, Herbs, Tumo is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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