Search results for torn, rotator, cuffs, match, dprinted, elastomer

Over the past few years, we've heard how both custom-fit and 3D-printed bicycle saddles are much comfier than their conventional counterparts. Well, Italian bike-seat-maker fizik has now combined the two, with its One-to-One bespoke 3D-printed saddle service.Continue ReadingCategory: Bicycles, TransportTags: 3D Printing, Seat, Comfort, Custom, Cycling
This impressive recently completed project proves that 3D-printed homes can be suitable for extreme weather and even seismic areas. Printed in just five days, it was also created significantly cheaper than a typical brick-and-mortar home.Continue ReadingCategory: Architecture, LifestyleTags: Building and Construction, 3D Printing, House, Home
There may be new hope for people suffering from debilitating, slow-healing rotator cuff injuries. Chinese scientists have created an implantable 3D-printed material that both restores shoulder motion and boosts the regrowth of torn tendons.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Injuries, 3D Printing, Treatment
apps like maps, messaging platforms, and even taxi services can also function in this phone by marko lazic. The post only essential apps like calls and texts run on ‘offone’, a 3D-printed phone with e-ink display appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.
Danish architecture studio BIG and technology company Lonestar Data Holdings Inc have created a data storage device for the moon, where it is designed to rest indefinitely after arrival. Read more
One of the most exciting possibilities of 3D-printed architecture is that it could revolutionize affordable housing. Portugal's Havelar shows this may soon be within reach with its inaugural 3D-printed home, which took just 18 hours to print.Continue ReadingCategory: Architecture, LifestyleTags: 3D Printing, House, Home, Building and Construction
Scientists have developed a new "ink" that allows objects to be 3D-printed out of wood. The material could reduce the amount of wood that gets wasted in the manufacturing of various products, plus it could utilize existing wood waste that would otherwise end up being burned or dumped.Continue ReadingCategory: 3D Printing, TechnologyTags: Rice University, Wood, Materials, Recycling, Waste
Tasked with building a new data center in an urban area of Germany, the team behind the Wave House harnessed the benefits of 3D printing technology to inject a sense of style into the unglamorous world of cloud-computing infrastructure, creating Europe's largest 3D-printed building in the process.Continue ReadingCategory: Architecture, LifestyleTags: Building and Construction, 3D Printing, Data C
A new type of 3D-printed lattice structure has surprised researchers with its strength and light weight. It uses two different lattice structures merged together to eliminate the weak points normally found in these complex shapes.Continue ReadingCategory: Materials, ScienceTags: 3D Printing, Titanium, RMIT, Materials, Metamaterials
A single injection of the 102-year-old tuberculosis vaccine, BCG, has proven effective at triggering an immune response in mice and shrank their liver cancer tumors, according to research by UC Davis Health. The findings suggest that BCG might be an alternative way of treating this notoriously hard-to-treat cancer.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Cancer, Tumor, Tuberculosis, UC Dav is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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