Search results for wearers

Not many people fancy the idea of spending the night in a sleep clinic with multiple electrodes stuck to their skin. That's why scientists have developed a smart pajama top that assesses sleep disorders while its wearer comfortably slumbers at home.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical Devices, Medical Innovations, Body & MindTags: Sleep monitors, University of Cambridge, Graphene, Wearable
Noisy environments pose a challenge to deaf people, particularly when they're trying to discern what a specific person within such a setting is saying. AirCaps glasses are designed to help, by providing real-time captioning to the wearer.Continue ReadingCategory: Wearables, Consumer Tech, TechnologyTags: Deaf, Hearing, Glasses, Eyewear, Cornell University, Artificial Intelligence, Speech
There could soon be a powerful new aid for people who are unable to speak. British scientists have developed a choker that detects its wearer's silently mouthed words, and converts them into audible synthetic speech.Continue ReadingCategory: Wearables, TechnologyTags: University of Cambridge, Speech, Machine Learning, Voice
Many people still wear masks on a regular basis, either to keep from spreading viruses that they've got, or to manage a respiratory problem. An experimental new mask takes things a step further, by analyzing its wearer's breath to check their state of health.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Masks, Breath, Coronavirus (COVID-19), Caltech, Breathalyzers
An experimental new helmet could save drivers of construction vehicles from serious injuries. The device measures the extent to which its wearer is being shaken up while driving, and sounds an alert when the shaking gets to be too much.Continue ReadingCategory: Wearables, TechnologyTags: Helmet, Fraunhofer, Construction, Safety, Piezoelectric
While there are already clothing materials that help keep wearers cool simply by allowing heat to escape, an experimental new fabric coating goes a step further. Utilizing a whole bunch of nanodiamonds, it actually draws heat away from the body.Continue ReadingCategory: Materials, ScienceTags: RMIT University, Cooling, Smart Fabric, Textile, Cotton, Nanodiamonds

Posted by ArielTechGeek 400 days ago (Editorial)

Some people lack the power of speech, while others may find themselves in noisy settings where speaking voice commands out loud just won't work. Such folks might have use for the EchoSpeech glasses, which read their user's silently spoken words.Continue ReadingCategory: Wearables, TechnologyTags: Glasses, Cornell University, Eyewear, Communications, Speech, Sonar
While there are already garments which cool or warm their wearer via circulating liquids, those garments tend to be equipped with cumbersome, noisy pumps. An experimental new system, on the other hand, uses interwoven tubular fibers as pumps.Continue ReadingCategory: Wearables, TechnologyTags: EPFL, Smart Fabric, Textile, Pump
Whether they're patients with degenerative diseases or astronauts in weightless environments, there are some people who need to know if their muscles are wasting away. A new wearable could one day allow them to check, when and wherever they wish.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbeing, LifestyleTags: Ohio State University, wearable electronics, Muscle, Smart Fabric is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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