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a zigzag layout balances dynamic and quiet spaces within the facility. The post seven overlapping gabled roofs spread over haruna innovation center in japan appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.
You've probably heard that Salmonella is most commonly transmitted through food or water contaminated by the bacteria of the same name. A new study suggests that if you've got a pet dog, chances are you're susceptible to catching it from them, too.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Salmonella, Dogs, Health care
A coughing, sneezing, 3D-printed model of the human nose and upper airway has provided researchers with a better understanding of how airborne infections are transmitted. The knowledge will aid in developing effective ways of reducing that spread.Continue ReadingCategory: Infectious Diseases, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Airborne, Infections, Lung, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
A new study has identified one of the reasons why cancer frequently spreads from elsewhere in the body to the lungs: an amino acid called aspartate. The findings improve our understanding of cancer and open the door to new treatments for metastatic disease.Continue ReadingCategory: Cancer, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Lung cancer, Breast cancer, Metastasis, Amino Acids, Vlaams I
Design studio Spread has produced a series of colourful covers with geometric designs for Japan's Journal of Architecture and Building Science that have been shortlisted in the graphic design project category of Dezeen Awards 2024. Read more
Apple’s Glowtime event has been and gone, and with it came the iPhone 16: Apple’s latest iteration of smartphone. As part of the package, Apple Intelligence is finally taking the training wheels off with a suite of new features headed for your pocket, starting September 20th. There’s a lot to unpack in the launch, from the new camera systems to AI-powered productivity, so let&rs
The development of once-a-day pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), drugs like Truvada and Descovy signified a huge advance in HIV medicine. When taken as prescribed by someone who’s HIV-negative, PrEP reduces their risk of contracting the virus from sex by about 99%.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbeing, LifestyleTags: HIV, Drug, Virus
Around 29 million people in the US take a daily dose of aspirin as a preventative measure for cardiovascular disease. And while an age-related increased risk of bleeding has seen it fall out of favor with medical authorities, it's now shaping up as something that might be even more beneficial in triggering the immune system to help take down certain cancers.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, Scie
If you're trying to disperse 300,000 disease-fighting mosquitos per day, using a drone may well be your best bet for doing so. The technology has already been tested in Brazil, where it showed very promising results.Continue ReadingCategory: Drones, TechnologyTags: Mosquito, Malaria, Dengue, Zika, Disease, Fertility
After confounding scientists for more than 80 years and following an unexpected recent outbreak in Australia, researchers have finally discovered how Buruli ulcer, caused by a flesh-eating bacteria, is transmitted: mosquitoes. The discovery means practical measures can now be taken to restrict the spread of the disease.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Bacteria, Mosquito, Skin, Univ is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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