Search results for kitty

In the textbooks, they’ll tell you that branding can profoundly impact consumer perception, foster customer loyalty and ultimately benefit the bottom line. I watched a real time demonstration of those marketing fundamentals play out at the release of the “Hello Kitty” Lumin EV at the Bangkok International Motor Show last week.Continue ReadingCategory: Automotive, TransportTags: Changan, Bangkok I
The single-cell parasite Toxoplasma gondii is well known for triggering risky behavior in hosts, in order to facilitate easier transmission, and can cause serious mental and physical conditions. But now this tiny bug that thrives in cats (via rats and birds) has been implicated in accelerating age-related frailty.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: University of Colorado, Age-Related,
The latest off-road RV build from the mad engineers at Action Mobil is one of the company's fiercest yet, emphasized by the angry leopard tattooed on its shoulders. The new Global XRS 7400 doesn't even need those artistic feline teeth to be ferocious, though, battling dirt, rock, mud, snow and other unrefined earthen crust with the might of its 630-hp 6WD diesel MAN truck platform. Once thrown in is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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