Search results for gamechanger

A new two-step process that safely rewarms frozen tissues using nanoscale magnetic rods could help preserve donor organs long-term. The procedure provides an alternative to current time-limited methods and paves the way for more life-saving transplantations.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Organ donation, Nanoparticle, Magnetic field, University of Minnesota, University of California Rivers
Inflammation resulting from a viral infection has traditionally been thought to cause acute myocarditis, which can lead to fatal heart arrhythmias in otherwise healthy young adults. Now, a new study has shown for the first time that the virus itself damages heart cells before inflammation sets in, challenging traditional assumptions.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Heart, Virus, In
An important new iteration of the robotic seeing eye dog was shown to the world this week, when Glasgow University showed off RoboGuide, an AI-powered quadruped for visually impaired people. The future for robotic canine assistants looks not just commercially huge, but also massively empowering for the world's one-third of billion visually impaired people.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, Techn
Researchers have discovered a never-before-identified type of memory B cell, an immune cell that ‘remembers’ what a person is allergic to, potentially opening the door to new therapeutics to treat allergies, including life-threatening food allergies.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Allergies, The Immune System, Cells, McMaster University
When Gamechanger Audio launches a new product, you can expect the unexpected. Previous outings have included the awesome Plus sustainer, the high-voltage Plasma Pedal, the gorgeous Bigsby pedal and the Motor Synth. Now the quirky innovators are bringing dynamic modulation of effects using patch cables.Continue ReadingCategory: Music, TechnologyTags: Guitar Effects, NAMM
They’re some of the world’s largest mammals, but whales are notoriously difficult for scientists to gather good intel on. While surface populations can be counted and watched, observational research is limited given the animals spend around 95% of their time below the surface, in often remote and inhospitable waters.Continue ReadingCategory: TechnologyTags: Delivery drones, Whale, drones is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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