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When experienced researcher Renato Aguilera happened across the chemical structure of a tried-and-true antimalarial drug one day, he thought it might effectively fight cancer. He was right, and he has the research, the patent, and the pharma company to prove it.Continue ReadingCategory: Cancer, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Cancer, Treatment, clinical trials, University of Texas
Eye injuries that damage the cornea are usually irreversible and cause blindness. But a new clinical trial has repaired this damage in patients thanks to a transplant of stem cells from their healthy eyes.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Regenerative, Regenerative Medicine, Eye, Blindness, Sight, Vision, Massachusetts General Hospital, Stem Cells
Scientists in the UK have successfully used gene therapy to restore some vision to legally blind children with an inherited retinal condition. All 11 children in the clinical trial saw improvements within weeks of a single surgical treatment.Continue ReadingCategory: Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Blind, Blindness, Retina, Eye, Vision, Sight, gene therapy, Genetics, clinical trial
Scientists at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) have developed a new blood test for pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly forms of the disease. Tests showed up to 85% accuracy in detection, even in early stages.Continue ReadingCategory: Cancer, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Oregon Health and Science University, Blood, Diagnosis
One of cancer’s deadliest tricks is its ability to spread to other organs. An existing cardiac drug has now been found to reduce the risk of metastasis by dissolving circulating clusters of breast cancer cells in patients.Continue ReadingCategory: Cancer, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Cancer, Breast cancer, Metastasis, ETH Zurich, Drug, Drugs, clinical trials, Cells
Scientists have uncovered a mechanism for reinvigorating the immune system to stop it from flagging when it’s fighting long-term conditions like chronic infections and cancer. The discovery could make treatments more effective and improve clinical outcomes.Continue ReadingCategory: Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Chronic illness, The Immune System, Immunotherapy, Peter Doherty Inst
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of a novel painkiller as an effective treatment for short-term moderate-to-severe pain in adults. It’s the first of a new class of analgesics to be approved in over 20 years, and, importantly, it isn’t addictive.Continue ReadingCategory: Body & MindTags: Analgesics, Pain, Pharmaceuticals, FDA
A test for pee-based markers of prostate cancer has previously relied on an uncomfortable first step. A new study has revealed that the now-available test remains just as accurate without it, paving the way from an easy in-home testing option.Continue ReadingCategory: Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: Prostate cancer, Cancer, University of Michigan, Test, Non-invasive
A phase 3 clinical trial has shown that adding a targeted immunotherapy drug to chemotherapy dramatically improved – almost doubled – the cure rate for patients with the most common kind of breast cancer. The findings suggest adopting a new treatment paradigm for the disease.Continue ReadingCategory: Cancer, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Breast cancer, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy
Researchers have discovered how a particular protein affects the growth and spread of colon cancer in humans. The study not only improves our understanding of why this type of cancer can be aggressive in some people, but it also highlights a potential treatment target.Continue ReadingCategory: Cancer, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Colorectal cancer, Protein, Metastasis, National is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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