Search results for coating

If there's one thing that needs to be antibacterial, it's the public touchscreen displays that everyone paws at with their filthy fingers. Well, help is on the way, in the form of a newly developed copper coating.Continue ReadingCategory: Materials, ScienceTags: Antibacterial, Corning, Touchscreen, Coatings
A protein obtained from mussels could one day keep infections from occurring at the site of bone implants such as artificial hips. And while the protein does kill the microbes, it should still limit the development of antibiotic-resistant "superbacteria."Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Postech, Implant, Infections, Antibiotic, Bacteria
Scraping ice off your car window might get a lot easier in the future thanks to a new spray coating developed by scientists in Austria. That's because of the way the molecules line up – or don't – during its high-tech creation process.Continue ReadingCategory: Materials, ScienceTags: new material, Ice, Plane, TU Graz, Coating, Coatings
Limescale buildup in thermal power plants due to the use of hot water can substantially affect efficiency, prompting researchers to develop a novel soft hydrogel-based surface coating that repels limescale crystals and prevents them from adhering.Continue ReadingCategory: Materials, ScienceTags: Hydrogels, Surfaces, Environmentally-friendly, ETH Zurich
It was just this August that we heard about a super-slippery 3D-printed toilet bowl, which bacteria slide right off of. Well, if you want that same sort of functionality in your existing toilet, a special coating may do the trick.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: American Chemical Society, Toilet, Bacteria, Hydrophobic, Coatings, Polymer
Hospitals are meant to heal people, but there’s an increasing risk of patients picking up a superbug or two during their stay. Scientists have now developed long-lasting antimicrobial coatings for textiles that could allow things like hospital curtains to quickly kill viruses and bacteria.Continue ReadingCategory: Materials, ScienceTags: Bacteria, Viruses and Bacteria, Antibiotic-resistant bacter
The 2023 James Dyson Award global winners have been announced. The prizes have gone to three different student teams, each of which offers novel solutions to modern issues including global warming and providing care in war and disaster zones.Continue ReadingCategory: Good Thinking, LifestyleTags: James Dyson Awards, Dyson, Ambulance, Battlefield, Medication, Global Warming, Climate Crisis, Mechan
The desert-dwelling Namaqua chameleon has a pretty neat trick – it changes skin color to stay cool when outdoor temperatures rise, and stay warm when they drop. An experimental new coating could one day do the same thing for our homes.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: American Chemical Society, Harbin Institute of Technology, Heating, Cooling, Biomimicry, Colors
A team of scientists from universities in the United States have developed a silicon-based coating that can help stop the spread of fires by preventing materials coming in contact with flame. Read more
Weaning the world off fossil fuels will take some time, so finding ways to make energy generation more efficient is still important. Scientists at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have developed a new coating for steam condenser pipes that, if rolled out widely, could potentially add more than a Russia’s worth of extra power per year.Continue ReadingCategory: Energy, ScienceTags: Mater is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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