Search results for sticks

For some time now, scientists have known that electrical stimulation speeds the healing of chronic wounds such as diabetic skin ulcers. A thin, flexible, inexpensive new bandage delivers that healing current right to the wound site, and it's activated simply by adding water.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: North Carolina State University, Smart bandage, Wound, Healing
Cecilie Manz and Jasper Morrison are among a group of designers who have added "a little glamour" to the humble cane as part of an exhibition at the Triennale Milano for Milan design week. Read more
curated by keiji takeuchi, the exhibition showcases a a variety of examples that question what walking sticks and canes represent in our lives. The post global designers explore the world of walking sticks and canes at milan triennale appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.
If you sometimes want an electric boost while skateboarding, but don't want an electric skateboard, then you might like REM. It's essentially a handheld "power stick" that works completely independent of the user's board.Continue ReadingCategory: Urban Transport, TransportTags: Skateboard, Electric Skateboards, Kickstarter
Even the best multitool isn't going to do you much good if you don't have it with you. The 13-tool MultiMighty Paracord Survival Bracelet is the latest device (there have been others) to address that problem by simply going around your wrist.Continue ReadingCategory: Outdoors, LifestyleTags: Kickstarter, Bracelet, Multitools, Survival
Learning to play guitar is tough, and though there's no replacement for hard work and practice, technology can lend a helping hand. The mu6label is the latest gadget in the space, a bendy AI-powered device that attaches to a guitar's upper edge and includes a virtual teacher, chord library and scales training, a metronome and tuner, and backing tracks to jam along with.Continue ReadingCategory: M
While it is possible to convert film negatives to digital image files using a DSLR, doing so can be a rather fiddly process. The Valoi easy35 is designed to make the task much simpler, as it gets mounted directly onto a camera's macro lens.Continue ReadingCategory: Photography, TechnologyTags: Indiegogo, Film Cameras
At CES 2023, Displace showed how its futuristic, battery-powered 55-inch 4K TV utilizes a special pop-up camera to recognize gesture controls and a proprietary active-loop vacuum seal to adhere itself to walls.Continue ReadingCategory: Home Entertainment, TechnologyTags: CES 2023, Television, TV, Wireless is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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