Search results for omnidirectional

looking at the ‘drift bike’, it can balance on its own like a hoverboard and drive forward, backward, and sideways. The post omnidirectional drift bike with wheels made of circus balls glides in any direction appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.
James Bruton is a serial crazy-contraption inventor, from a Lego longboard to a self-balancing mecanum-wheeled "Screw bike." Now he's done it again with might be the most bizarre, big-red-balled self-balancing electric bike with five motors to power it.Continue ReadingCategory: Automotive, TransportTags: Self-balancing, Inventors, Oddball, Bikes, Motorcycle, Electric Motors
British YouTuber James Bruton has plenty of experience with self-balancing technology and omnidirectional wheels, having already built a self-balancing bicycle using a sideways-mounted omni-wheel, as well as a heap of self-stabilizing robot projects.Continue ReadingCategory: Motorcycles, TransportTags: Omni-Directional, Motorcycle, YouTube, Inventors
Arizona's Revolute Robotics has presented its autonomous Hybrid Mobility Robot (HMR), a whirling, spherical cage that can fly like a multicopter, or roll in any direction using two gyroscopic gimbal rings. It's one heck of a thing to see in motion.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, TechnologyTags: Robot, drones, Aerial is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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