Search results for jeff

Apple has launched a new MacBook Air, with a new chip inside. The laptop takes the same basic design of Apple’s smallest and cheapest computer, but gives it the M3 […] The post Apple launches new MacBook Air, Jeff Bezos usurps Elon Musk as world’s richest man appeared first on ShinyShiny.
Multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos has sold more of his shares in Amazon, bringing the total value of sales in recent days to more than $4bn (£3.2bn). The technology giant, which Mr […] The post Jeff Bezos sells $4 billion shares as Amazon makes viewers pay for Dolby features appeared first on ShinyShiny.
jeff bezos-founded Blue origin ‘powers our lunar future’   Jeff Bezos is not only the CEO of Amazon, but also the founder of the space company Blue Origin, which plans to make space a vacation destination for wealthy tourists. The famous American billionaire recently announced that his firm has developed a special Blue Alchemist technology […] The post jeff bezos claims his is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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