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the home's circular openings, courtyard scenes, and chinese tea table naturally evoke a sense of eastern tradition. The post GE space design draws from eastern tradition to curate modern dwelling in chengdu appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.
GE Aerospace has demonstrated what it claims is the world's first hypersonic Dual-Mode Ramjet (DMRJ) rig test using Rotating Detonation Combustion (RDC) in a supersonic flow stream that could one day give hypersonic missiles longer range.Continue ReadingCategory: Military, TechnologyTags: GE, Rotating Detonation Engines, Hypersonic
GE once thought super-efficient propfans were the future of air travel, until low fuel prices in the late 1980s moved fuel consumption down the list of priorities. Now, it's bringing them back with the CFM Rise, promising 20% fuel savings.Continue ReadingCategory: Aircraft, TransportTags: General Electric, Engine Technologies, Fuel efficiency, Airlines, Aeroplanes
The strongest winds tend to be higher up, but as this 2022 study shows, higher-mounted turbines catching stronger wind doesn't necessarily equate to the lowest cost of energy. Indeed, once you factor in the costs of stronger foundations and taller, sturdier towers, anything above about 120 m (394 ft) tends to result in more expensive electricity – and in a market as price-sensitive as energy, tha is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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