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A new experiment has demonstrated something that sounds physically impossible – light itself casting a shadow. It turns out that if you manipulate a laser just right, then hit it side-on with another light source, it’s possible to create this bizarre optical effect.Continue ReadingCategory: Physics, ScienceTags: Light, Lighting, Laser, Optical, Optics, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Collaborations between artists and designers and a show celebrating local chair makers were part of Los Angeles Design Weekend, which organisers said was successful due to its localised "progression of events". Read more
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has published an extensive paper confirming the validity of its 2022 fusion experiment where multiple lasers focused on a sphere of deuterium and tritium to achieve the first fusion ignition in a laboratory.Continue ReadingCategory: Energy, ScienceTags: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Laser, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear
How small a canvas can evolution work on? Scientists have experimented with a synthetic lifeform designed to have the simplest possible genome, and found that given the chance it can evolve lost fitness back, showing that indeed, “life finds a way.”Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Artificial, artificial animal, Life, Micro-organisms, Bacteria, Indiana University, Evolution
Scientists are conducting a long-term experiment on evolution in the lab, to investigate how single-celled organisms could evolve into multicellular lifeforms. After thousands of generations, their yeast grew 20,000 times bigger and 10,000 times tougher.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Yeast, Evolution, Cells, Georgia Tech, Life, Micro-organisms is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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