Search results for common, sweetener, sugarfree, drinks, linked, heart, problems

New research by Yale has found an association between exposure to chemicals commonly used in firefighting and incidence of a brain tumor called a glioma in firefights, suggesting that the cancer may have an environmental cause.Continue ReadingCategory: Brain Health, Body & MindTags: Brain cancer, Environmental, Risk factors, Yale School of Public Health
Scientists have found further evidence that long-term use of common over-the-counter pain medication such as aspirin and ibuprofen may reduce the risk of developing dementia. While it's not the first time anti-inflammatory drugs have been linked to preserving cognitive function, this new research has found there's more to it than popping a pill every few months.Continue ReadingCategory: Alzheimer
A decade-spanning study has revealed a troubling side effect when pregnant women take a common painkiller during their pregnancies. The effect of the over-the-counter drug was significantly stronger in female offspring than males.Continue ReadingCategory: Body & MindTags: Pregnancy, University of Washington, ADHD, Acetaminophen, Tylenol, Painkillers
A fascinating collaborative study in 2022, between researchers at the University of Oxford and Tufts University, suggested two common viruses could be working in tandem to trigger the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The findings built on a growing body of evidence implicating the herpes virus in neurodegenerative disease and also turned research attention to a second virus that causes chi
New research has linked the use of diet and fitness apps to problematic eating habits and body image issues, particularly in young people. It highlights the fine line that exists between using these apps for motivation and using them to perpetuate potentially dangerous behaviors.Continue ReadingCategory: Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: Fitness, Diet, Body image, Disordered eat
Type 1 diabetics have a lower risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event such as a stroke or heart attack than type 2 diabetics, a new study has found. It highlights the fundamental difference between the two conditions and provides insights that could guide future treatments.Continue ReadingCategory: Heart Disease, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes,
Aspartame has long been marketed as a guilt-free alternative to sugar in popular food products, ranging from zero-calorie Diet Coke to sugar-free Jell-O. It's also had a pretty bad rap, and the artificial sweetener has now been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks and stroke in mice. But not everyone's convinced this is as bad as it sounds for humans.Continue ReadingCategory: Wellness &am
Estrogens are best known as hormones that regulate sexual development in women, although men produce them as well. Now, a new study finds that a particular kind of estrogen might have an additional role to play in suppressing appetite.Continue ReadingCategory: Diet & Nutrition, Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: estrogen, Diet, Hunger, Food, Hormone, Weight Loss
A new study has discovered the reason why men tend to sustain more heart muscle damage following a heart attack than women: the hormone testosterone. The researchers have also discovered a potential fix in the form of an existing drug.Continue ReadingCategory: Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: Heart attack, Testosterone, Inflammation, White blood cells, University of Gothenburg
A new study has found that eating between one and six eggs each week significantly reduces the risk of dying from any cause but particularly from heart disease – even in people who have been diagnosed with high cholesterol levels.Continue ReadingCategory: Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: Eggs, Cardiovascular, Heart Disease, Mortality, Monash University is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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