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Scientists at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) have developed a new blood test for pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly forms of the disease. Tests showed up to 85% accuracy in detection, even in early stages.Continue ReadingCategory: Cancer, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Oregon Health and Science University, Blood, Diagnosis

Photo: LeicaWith its latest announcement, Leica is furthering its focus on mobile photography, adding a new accessory to its lineup. The company designed the Leica Lux Grip specifically for iPhones, following up on the June release of the Leica Lux iPhone app. The grip is strictly for Leica lovers, as it will only work with Leica's iPhone app; controls will not transfer to the default iPhone came
You've probably heard that Salmonella is most commonly transmitted through food or water contaminated by the bacteria of the same name. A new study suggests that if you've got a pet dog, chances are you're susceptible to catching it from them, too.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Salmonella, Dogs, Health care
Most people know that body fat stored around the midsection can spell disaster for cardiovascular health. But Harvard researchers have now discovered another problematic fat-storage location in the body that's been largely overlooked.Continue ReadingCategory: Diet & Nutrition, Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: Cardiovascular, Heart Disease, Heart attack, Harvard, Muscle, Fat
We all know that a healthy, balanced diet dominated by unprocessed foods is a recipe for gut and overall health, but scientists have now found just how one nutrient – fiber – can trigger a microbiotic chain reaction that actually shields the body from influenza and other viruses.Continue ReadingCategory: Infectious Diseases, Illnesses and conditions, Body & MindTags: Chinese University of Hon
On January 10th, the world's first carbon fiber subway train – called the Cetrovo 1.0 Carbon Star Rapid Rail – took to the tracks for the very first time in Qingdao, China. It is promised to be stronger, safer, and produce less harmful emissions than traditional trains.Continue ReadingCategory: TransportTags: Trains, China, public transportation, Carbon Fiber, World's First
The Volkswagen ID. Buzz has spawned plenty of camper vans, but after discarding the non-sleeper pop-top and cute, little top hat, we have yet to cover one with a proper pop-up sleeper roof. That is, until today. Dutch builder Tonke is not only preparing an actual sleep-in pop-top with bed, it's putting a unique spin on the concept. Its roof mashes together a rare sideways orientation with a rooft
Filamon Limited, an Australian biotech company focused on developing next-gen anti-inflammatory drugs, has announced its breakthrough dementia treatment. ALPHA-003 is designed to preserve the integrity of vital brain cell structures and protect them against destruction caused by brain inflammation.Continue ReadingCategory: Alzheimer's & Dementia, Brain Health, Body & MindTags: Dement
Engineers at the University of South Australia have taken a page from the days of wooden sailing ships and developed a way for drones to navigate by the stars at night using simple, lightweight equipment for areas where GPS signals aren't available.Continue ReadingCategory: Aircraft, TransportTags: University of South Australia, Navigation, drones is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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