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It's official: Cadillac will be the 11th F1 team in the paddock in 2026, now that it's been approved to join the championship by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) and Formula One Management (FOM).Continue ReadingCategory: Automotive, TransportTags: F1, Racing, formula one, GM, Cadillac
Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) has revealed plans for an eye-catching new skyscraper in Tbilisi, Georgia. The building's sculpted form, which twists as it rises, has a practical use, creating outdoor terrace areas for those inside.Continue ReadingCategory: Architecture, LifestyleTags: Building and Construction, Skyscrapers, Zaha Hadid
In a potentially major breakthrough for regenerative medicine, scientists at MIT have developed a way to convert skin cells directly into brain cells extremely efficiently, without needing to go through the intermediate step of converting them to stem cells first.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Stem Cells, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS), Cells, MIT, Brain, neurons, Regenerat
A new study has tested innovative proof-of-concept technology that syncs electrical stimulation with rehabilitation robotics to enable individuals paralyzed after spinal injury to move more naturally. The tech should improve recovery outcomes.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical Innovations, Body & MindTags: Spinal cord injury, Paralysis, Rehabilitation robotics, Physical functioning, EPFL
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has released the most detailed map yet of what Antarctica looks like when you strip away its ubiquitous cover of ice and snow. Derived from 60 years of data, it will help scientists understand ice flows better.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Antarctic, British Antarctic Survey, Mapping
Quaise Energy has been dazzling us lately with its bleeding-edge plans to tap super-deep, superheated steam as a global power source. Now, the company's reaching back over a century to adapt yesterday's technology for tomorrow's energy.Continue ReadingCategory: Energy, TechnologyTags: Geothermal, Renewable Energy, Clean Energy
It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to connect the most remote parts of the world with established trading hubs. The AT2 Aerospace Z1 airship aims to use a combination of hydrogen-powered thrust vectoring and helium buoyancy to efficiently carry people and goods over 1,000 miles (1,600 km) per trip. Not only will it r
We've seen water bottles that remind you to drink at timed intervals, but now there's a full-fledged hydration pack that does the same thing. It's called the FluidLogic GPR50, and it goes so far as to squirt the water right into your mouth.Continue ReadingCategory: Outdoors, LifestyleTags: Hydration, Cycling, Water
Scientists have finally pinned down a protein that’s largely responsible for Parkinson’s disease. Known as PINK1, the protein has been linked to the disease for decades but its structure and how to switch it back on have remained elusive – until now.Continue ReadingCategory: Body & MindTags: Parkinson's Disease, Neuroscience, Protein, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Cells, Brain
Following a successful Kickstarter for its soda-can-sized portable projector last year, China's ETOE has now launched a tubular smart model called the Starfish. The Freestyle-like Netflix-approved bedroom projector can also pull double duty as a night light.Continue ReadingCategory: Home Entertainment, Consumer Tech, TechnologyTags: Projectors, Lighting, Android TV is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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