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Men tend to be happier with life when they're married, as many studies have identified over the last few decades. But new research shows they also become fatter. In fact, they're more than three times more likely to be obese than men who remained unmarried.Continue ReadingCategory: Diet & Nutrition, Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: Obesity, Weight, Depression, Family health
Everyone's favorite prehistoric shark may have been much sleeker and much larger than previously thought. A new study suggests that the megalodon wasn't as stocky as the great white shark, and that it could have reached over 24 m (80 ft) in length.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Sharks, Fossils
A new study has ranked the best types of exercise for improving sleep quality. The findings demonstrate that exercise is an easy-to-implement, relatively cheap, and particularly effective way of treating insomnia, a common problem for older adults.Continue ReadingCategory: Sleep, Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: Insomnia, Sleep, Age-Related, Exercise, Mahidol University
People with bipolar disorder who followed a ketogenic diet for at least six weeks found that their symptoms improved, a new study has found. While the study was small and preliminary, its findings open the door to a new treatment direction for the sometimes difficult-to-treat condition.Continue ReadingCategory: Mental Health, Brain Health, Body & MindTags: Bipolar Disorder, Ketogenic diet, me
Good old reliable milk. New research found that when it's combined with particular oral drugs, milk significantly improves their absorption by the body. It’s the latest in a series of studies showing that milk is a highly effective drug-delivery vehicle.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical Innovations, Body & MindTags: Medication, Milk, Bioavailability, Monash University
How you cope in a crisis and then move on from it may have less to do with your learned life skills and instead be shaped by your base personality traits. A new study has now put forward just what traits seem to make some people so much better at 'turning lemons into lemonade.'Continue ReadingCategory: Mental Health, Brain Health, Body & MindTags: Oregon State University, Coronavirus (COVID-1
Reliability and longevity concerns may once have been among the most common reasons for not buying an electric vehicle. A new study published in Nature Energy claims that the reliability of battery-powered electric vehicles (BEVs) has increased considerably and they now have comparable longevity to conventional internal-combustion-engine vehicles.Continue ReadingCategory: Automotive, TransportTag
While Americans have been grappling with the high prices of eggs, Italian researchers have been looking at how best to cook them. They've derived the perfect method, although it might be too time consuming for the average home chef.Continue ReadingCategory: Diet & Nutrition, Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: Eggs, Cooking, Polyphenols
In the first study of its kind, scientists have used extensive data to identify that adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a significantly lower life expectancy than their neurotypical peers. It's complex, much like the condition, but this unprecedented research should serve as a wake-up call to governments and medical professionals across the globe.Continue ReadingCate
The itch from bug bites, rashes, and other skin conditions can sometimes be so overpowering that it feels impossible to avoid scratching them. But new research explains why you might want to hold off as long as you can.Continue ReadingCategory: Wellness & Healthy Living, Body & MindTags: Scratch, Allergies, Mosquito, Skin, University of Pittsburgh is a social bookmarking place where you can share, find & discuss the best news around on most topics. We focus on hi-tech reviews, gadgets and geekery but we like almost anything that's awesome, appealing and thought-provoking! er6i9ds5mz

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